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1 Mar 03, 2006 18:13    

This week, something went wrong and my databases were empty. I asked my host to restore a backup they made of my site. Unfortunately, after they restored it, they discovered that the backup was corrupt. Result: everything gone.

Fortunately, I made a backup of a couple of the b2evo-tables myself, so I hoped I could restore everything by creating a new installation, and simply copying the data of the backupped tables into the new installation. This worked, and it looks as if everything is ok if you look in the tables. But: it doesn't work. Well, at least: some things don't work. And these happen to be the most important. Conclusion: I need help.

The database tables that I had good backups of are:
* evo_antispam
* evo_blogs
* evo_blogusers
* evo_categories
* evo_comments
* evo_groups
* evo_posts

When I log into the new installation, I can see that the blogs and the categories are there, but the posts and comments are gone. If I add an entry, it shows up. It shows up on the blog and in the database as well. In the database, I cannot find any differences between the newly created entry and the entries I backupped. But still, the old entries don't show up. Neither in the backoffice, nor on the blog. I don't get it.

I know my problem is quite complicated and very specific, but could someone PLEASE try to help me...? I'd gladly give more details if needed. Please contact me through this forum or by e-mail:


2 Mar 03, 2006 19:21

I'm really not sure how to help you, but it could be that the order of your restoration was incorrect.

I've always seen (and done) the database backup/restore BEFORE the upgrade/install of b2e. Part of the upgrade/install process is pointing b2e to your database. b2e then goes through that database and makes sure that it is setup correctly.

It sounds to me like you setup b2e first, then dropped your old database on top of your new one.

You might try creating a new database, restoring your backup copy into it, and then upgrading/installing b2e pointing to that database.

As I said already, this is just a wild guess of something you might want to try if you have the time. I could be way off. :)

3 Mar 03, 2006 19:27

Your missing postcats in your backup, hence none of your posts will show

you need to create a record for every post ID with a valid cat ID.


4 Mar 04, 2006 11:05

Thanks for your replies, I think ¥åßßå may be right: that table is indeed missing. Is there a quick way to generate the data that should be in that table from the posts-table? I am not sure, but I've got the feeling that everything in that should be in the postcats-table is also present in the posts-table. Or am I missing something?

Just a little more help could probably solve my problem...

5 Mar 04, 2006 12:29

You "should" be able to get away with running an sql similar to :-

insert into evo_postcats ( select post_ID, post_main_cat_ID from evo_posts)

your table name and fields might be different depending on your evo version.


6 Mar 07, 2006 13:08

Yup, this worked. I'm saved! Thanks a lot!

(but why this redundancy in the tables?)

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