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1 Mar 04, 2006 01:00    

if some one has dusted my database is there any way to restore?

2 Mar 04, 2006 15:07

First of all, sorry to hear about that. Your best bet is if you have a backup of the database. Most managed hosting companies make a backup of all your files and your databases periodically. Contact them and see what they have. I know it may be too late to say this now, but the best practice is to copy a backup of your site down to your computer once in a while in case something like this happens or your host has major problems. Once you find a backup (it's usually a .sql or .gz file) restoring the database isn't hard. If there is no backup, then the best you can do is look in Google cache or the Wayback Machine and try to copy and paste as many of your posts as you can/want to find. Good luck with the search. If you find a backup, let us know and I'll tell you how to restore it.

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