Hey, i'm using a cvs build of 1.7 from last month (feb) and today i started getting this error on the stats summary page for 2/5 of my blogs...
MySQL error!
Got error 127 from table handler(Errno=1030)
Your query: Get hit summary
SELECT COUNT(*) AS hits, CONCAT(hit_referer_type) AS referer_type, YEAR(hit_datetime) AS year,
MONTH(hit_datetime) AS month, DAYOFMONTH(hit_datetime) AS day
FROM evo_hitlog
WHERE hit_blog_ID = 2
GROUP BY year, month, day, referer_type
ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC, referer_type
1. db->print_error( "", "Get hit summary" )
File: /home/balupton/public_html/blogs/evocore/_db.class.php:557
2. db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS hits, CONCAT(hit_referer_type) AS referer_typ...", "Get hit summary" )
File: /home/balupton/public_html/blogs/evocore/_db.class.php:799
3. db->get_results( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS hits, CONCAT(hit_referer_type) AS referer_typ...", "ARRAY_A", "Get hit summary" )
File: /home/balupton/public_html/blogs/admin/stats.php:165
Ignored last: 1
Can anyone help me out.
error 127 means a table is corrupted.