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1 Mar 15, 2006 00:35    

I know this is getting to be a worn topic, but I believe fighting spam should become a priority for the developers of b2. I do appreciate the work that they put into b2 and have made a modest contribution to its development to acknowledge that.

I am getting hammered by Spam. I've tried pretty much everything now (including the .htaccess pineapple thing) to no avail. Those 100 or so emails from bogus comments always keep coming, relentlessly.

So as far as new features go, I really don't care - so long as spam is vanquished.

I don't know much about networking, so this may be an impossible task. If this is the case, I'd be interested to know. That is a depressing thought.

2 Mar 25, 2006 02:03

I don't know if this has been brought up before but I think the best way to deal with SPAM is having an image where the user has to type in the "distorted" letters in order to post. I think the whole banning IPs and domains is not very effective.

3 Mar 25, 2006 03:33

There is already a captcha hack for b2evolution, and the next public release will contain a plugin to enable captcha. captcha is the image thing, and I personally am glad it's a plugin because I will be able to not use it. To me it's a stupid test that (a) depends on your server being able to build the image and (b) your visitor being able to see the image and (c) you end up telling your visitor to pass the stupid test every damned time they want to comment.

I won't go there.

Personally I prefer (and will make) a simple turing test for 1.6 and beyond that will be required ONCE in a commenter's life. It will be no more complex than a text field, which they obviously can deal with if they can fill in the name field.

Anyway if you're running a .9.* version you should search the plugins and hacks forum (and maybe the 'got spam forum instead) for captcha by whoo. You'll find it, and apparently it is pretty damned popular.

4 Mar 26, 2006 04:35

Ah cool! Thanks for the pointer! I'll see if I can get it to work.

5 Mar 26, 2006 08:29

arghhhhhh got hundreds of spam trackbacks this night :( in which table of mysql can I delete all my trackbacks?

kind regars

6 Mar 27, 2006 02:59

EdB wrote:

There is already a captcha hack for b2evolution, and the next public release will contain a plugin to enable captcha ...

Something very strange happened to me today regarding the Captcha fix. I found what looks like automated spam on my blog that is captcha enabled.

Now it could be hand spam but what do you all think? Should I change fonts?

I left it up.

On a side note my wife noticed that she can't post from the backend with the captcha fix in. I'll have to do some more hacking to get that to work.

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