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1 May 07, 2006 05:54    

Hallo there,

I've just finished installing b2evolution and am trying to set it up. What i'd like to do is have two seperate blogs, Blog A being a public blog that anyone can read, Blog B as a private blog, only viewable for myself and one other person.
How would I set it up so that i could have a link on blog a to blog b that when clicked on would throw up a login request before allowing viewing of blog b? I'm pressuming that i would have to make the second person an admin and they would then login with their admin name and pw to be able to read blog b? Also were someone to use a direct url to blog b or were to stumble across it they then would get the login request too?

Hopefully someone can help me out with this problem. Thanks in advance,

2 May 07, 2006 10:52

Hi Lynn,
B2evo is already geared up to what you wish to do.

First sign the other person up as a user, you can just make them a basic blogger with a user level of at least 5 if you want them to be able to upload files.

Next, in admin hit the blogs tab and then click blog b on the next screen. One of the sub tabs will be "permissions", select it and you should see yourself (with every box ticked) and the other user.

If you tick the box marked "is member" then they will be able to see posts on that blog. If you want them to be able to create posts then tick the other boxes as appropriate.

The main thing to do (if you don't want the rest of the world to see your posts) is to untick the box marked "published".

Hit save

Now, when you make posts in blog B make sure that you're posting them as protected (there's a list on the right of the screen). This will mean that they are only visible to you and the other user.

When other people (or yourself if you're not logged in) visit blog B they will just get a "no post to display" message.

You can force it to direct you to the login screen instead if you prefer, but that involves a smidge more work so we'll see if you get this far first ;)


3 May 07, 2006 12:19

And if you don't whant a screen 'no post to display' and not want to go into the code, you can make a public post in blog B with just funny content, or a nice pic, or...
so people who don't have business in that blog don't even see that this is a 'hidden' section of your life.

4 May 07, 2006 21:32

Thanks so much for your fast and clear relpy, I managed to to set it up as you suggested and its working fine, the enteries on blog b are indeed only visible when I or the other person are logged in. I would however perfer to have it passworded if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle for you to explain how I would go about doing that?
Thanks again and you too for your suggestion Tapanga.


5 May 08, 2006 01:42

The blog doesn't have a password in the traditional sense, but if you think about it being logged in IS your password protection. b2evolution uses "is this person logged in AND has permission to see this blog" as the way to hide posts from people who are not authorized to see something.

Oh and I really like Topanga's idea of a 'dummy post' to tell people there's nothing to see in that blog.

b2evolution comes with multiple blogs but I don't know what I want to do with this one. I thought about deleting it but I might use it for something someday.

Or something like that.

6 May 08, 2006 12:35

Ok thanks I'll just leave it as is, I took Topanga's advice and set up one public entry in blog B.

One day when I have the time I think I'll give trying to force it to the login screen a go, I like a challenge ;)

Thanks again both for your help :)


7 May 08, 2006 12:42

Ok, if you really want to give "force login" a shot, here's how :-

1/ create a stub file (take a look at the demo stubfile "a_stub.php")

2/ change the $blog to 3 (which should be Blog B )

3/ at the top of the file (after <?php ) add $login_required = true;

4/ next goto admin > blogs > blog b

5/ set the access type to "other blog through stub file"

6/ type in the name of the stubfile you created at step 1

Cross your fingers and press save.

Please note You will still have to save your posts as protected as there is more than one way to show them.


ps. Personally I'd go for Topangas suggestion ;)

8 May 13, 2006 01:38

Sorry for my slow reply I've been away for a few days.
Thank you! I did just as you suggested and it works like a dream :)
You saved me a lot of time and frustration.

Thanks again :)

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