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1 Jun 01, 2006 13:41    

Not sure if this is entirely a b2evolution problem and I have sent a similar request to the Post2Blog people.

I'm using an external editor, Post2Blog, to save my posts. When sending posts throught it all my apostrophe's (single quote characters) are being replaced by the question mark character (?).

This occurs the bulk of the time and yet sometimes the apostrophe (single quote) is sent through correctly.

What I'm having to do at the moment is post my posts in draft and then check the post from within b2evolution and change all of the (?) question marks to ( ' ) single quotes.

I'm sort of expecting that this is most likely not a b2evolution problem, but any advice would be appreciated.

2 Jun 03, 2006 11:04

Got a reply from Post2Blog people, installed updated version and problem fixed.

3 Jun 03, 2006 11:10

Thanks for sharing the solution!

4 Jun 03, 2006 11:13

Sorry, spoke too soon. Problem still exists or persists intermittently and I now I've created a test blog and trying to identify under what conditions this occurs.

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