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1 Jun 02, 2006 17:58    

I am running an internal, private development server for a software team. On this server I have SVN (source control), Trac (collaboration), and team blogs through b2evolution.

The entire server requires SSL and also every path requires authentication through Apache "Require valid-user" on all URLs.

For SVN and Trac, they can pick up the username from Apache so that the user does not have to log in twice. For b2evolution, I have not figured out how I can do that. I saw some threads about LDAP authentication, but in my situation the client is already authenticated through Apache by the time they reach the b2evolution application.

I have thought that perhaps this wouldn't be supported, but I wonder if it is easily possible to "hack" the login page from b2evolution to just trust the username coming from Apache (I can guarantee that it matches a username from the b2evolution user database since I can add a user to both at the same time).

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