2 edb Jul 20, 2006 19:06

Fatal error: out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer() in /home/woodworl/public_html/b2/blogs/b2evocore/_main.php on line 97
We are still down. Tech support(@ipower) has never answered me back. This morning instead of page not found it produces the above error. I am no rocket sciencetist but we were configured for one skin and useing its _main.php. I fail to see how this error comes up.
The second thing is we still have the other script which does not work like the blog...but yet runs on another server. I don't believe we have a scripting problem.
I did as you said and backup and exported the data from the data base under MySql.
THEY are saying (I guess) that its a scripting problem...please help. How can I convince them?
BTW Thank You for you help and quick response! :D
What's in line 97 in /home/woodworl/public_html/b2/blogs/b2evocore/_main.php?
From a quick google it may be a FreeBSD problem..
Have you tried raising memory_limit in php.ini / .htaccess (if PHP is running as a module)?
As I stated in a previous post I am not really a php person but I'll try. Is the php .ini file in the blog folder or do I do this in php admin under Cpanel? :(
Yes this server has / uses FreeBSD. As reported b4 everything was and has been fine. No problems untill last sunday then it started reporting page not found when the blog is call by the url. After complaining to the host provider we now get the scripting error I reported. They (the host) is convinced we have a scripting problem...I am not.
Thankx for the help! I will get right on it.
We'll let you know if it works...
Late breaking new to report! Finally got live chat with tech at host. It sounds like they finally believe that it's a host and not a scripting problem. Since we had two scripts that failed the same day. One of the scripts is a photo album with uploads etc. Since I took the script (could not so this with B2) and copied it to another Ipower server where it worked and emailed them the link I finally got someones attention. They NOW say they workingon it and want to also make sure it does not happen again.
Sorry to have troubled you...but only had there word to go on. I can tell you the answers I got here we prompt and good info.
Will keep you advised...BTW We have enjoyed b2 and look foreward to the new version.
I'm glad it seems to get solved, hopefully.
Out of interest, though:
What's in line 97 in /home/woodworl/public_html/b2/blogs/b2evocore/_main.php?
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/_class_settings.php' );
The above is line 97 from the _main.php file
Hope this helps...
This is no b2evo problem, but probably you're on a virtual server and your process/environment has not enough memory available.
It's strange though, that the error appears always on that line(?) - may be a FreeBSD problem/bug.
Sorry, but your host seems to have caused this/has to fix it.
Thank you for contacting IPOWER Technical Support.
We are sorry for the inconvenience faced by you . We suggest you to check the index.php code under the blogs folder or contact your webdeveloper to resolve your issue .
We have waited till now assuming they would fix our problem. After all this time they are back to saying its the blog...our INDEX.PHP file is attached.
I have attached our index.php file from the blogs folder. I am sure you'll say theres nothing wrong with it and I will agree. I need to be able to tell them its NOT the b2 blog.
Lcdude >:(
More Info: I called tech support and told them I did not believe it was a B2 problem and also that I had another script quit the same day. I had the tech go to the other site to see that the script works there, but not on our site. I think he was amazed! I said after almost 2 weeks does that mean will get fixed? (See first post)
He would report it...
And thats where it stands now... >:(
Just off the top of my head it sounds like your host is assuming they're smarter than you and blaming something on their end on something in your code. I say this because you have two programs that stopped working. I'd be asking my host: do you mean a scripting problem with my scripts, because if so the same problem showed up in two different scripts at the same exact time. Or did you mean a problem on you're end? If so when will it be fixed?
The spammer comment is probably nothing more than a spammer comment.
You can see your database so get a backup! Both a "cpanel - backup" and a "cpanel - phpmyadmin - export" copy. In the second click on select all then check the box for export as file. You never know which version will be usefull when you change hosts ...