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1 Oct 23, 2006 00:47    

I've been trying to work with b2evolution for several months now, and I'm finding it very frustrating. The documentation is confusing with lots of out of date info, customization is confusing, stub files are a hassle.

I realize this is free software, but I would gladly donate or pay for multiblog software that's functional and user-friendly.

I've noticed a couple of problems recently in b2evo that are disillusioning me a lot.

The serious problem: I did a Google search on my own domain and when I clicked on the Google search results link, got a 403 error page:

403 Forbidden
Please stop referer spam.
We have identified that you have been refered here by a known or supposed spammer.
If you feel this is an error, please bypass this message and leave us a comment about the error. We are sorry for the inconvenience... etc.

A Google search is considered to be referrer spam? I'm sure if I invest a couple of hours into poring through documentation, I can figure out a way to fix this, but why would any blog software block links from the search results of the most popular search engine around?

Second problem, much smaller but still irksome. When my users make a link in their blog entries, coding the link as <A HREF="http://whatever"> causes an error. Apparently in b2evolution, for some reason, the HREF has to be lowercase. Now... this is a small thing, but it's hard to explain to my users why, even though HTML is case insensitive, for some reason in b2evo, HREF needs to be lowercase.

These two problems alone aren't such a big deal, but after the hassles I've experienced with b2evo up to this point with setup, customization and finding help in the documentation, I'm at the end of my rope.

I'm tired of wrangling with software when what I really want to focus on is designing, writing and creating content for weblogs. If anyone can clue me in to another multiblog software package that is easier to use, free or paid, please do.

2 Oct 23, 2006 01:34

if google is causing the "you're a spammer" message it's because your installation has google reported as a spammer. Or perhaps your own domain name? Either way: it comes from a match in your local antispam table and the refering URL. Since you didn't provide a link to your blog I can't offer any additional insight than that.

b2evolution claims to produce valid XHTML - not HTML. In xhtml tags are always in lower case, so the xhtml validation routine rejects upper case tags. Clicking the 'link' button when posting will not produce upper case tags, so it's only an issue when someone manually introduces a link. Those users are obviously hip to making tags, so it seems it shouldn't be that big a deal to educate them on [url=]the differences between xhtml and html[/url].


[url=]Didn't we talk about this before[/url]?

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