2 mgsolipa Mar 26, 2014 05:56

Hi mgsolipa
First all, excuse me for response to late...Only now I read your message!
I understood you about security in b2evolution. So I will write below as I used Easy wordpress with my blogs;
1 - click in "add wordpress blog
2- in URL I enter with my url b2evolution blog user and passwd too.
3 - the easy wordpress list my blogs in b2evolution and I choose one.
4 - Now the blog choosed in step 3 is in my blog list.
5 - click in "new post" , select blog (in my blog list) write title [categories don't work ;-( ], write tags click in + element (to enter with text, youtube video, pictures, tweets, etc).
I tried with text, picture, youtube and twitter. Only text and picture work. But the picture don't is resized. After I will need edit post to resize picture!
See here: http://sfl.pro.br/blogs/index.php/fotoblog/2014/04/13/easy-wordpress-test
and here: http://sfl.pro.br/blogs/index.php/sergio-blog/teste-soffice
@oigreslima wrote earlier:
If you have a blog running b2evolution and use too Android, so an app that work fine to publish (text e picture) from Android to B2evolution (better than wordpress app for android!) is..
Sadly the App is down... is there a APK that still works?
Hi. Just wondering if you can access a blog via a browser, why do you need an app, what's the advantage? b2evo has 'mobile' skins to make screen layout mobile user friendly. Excuse my ignorance as i don't often use mobile phone browsing.
Could you please be more specific about how to use this app? I tried to test it but it only allowed me to log in to blog software different than b2evo.
I tested this app and it works to manage b2evo blogs. I will not make a review about the app here, it is just to let you know that it has no explicit access to b2evo, just Wordpress and Blogger options, so you should choose the first one to configure your user account. I would like to recommend you to use a limited privileges user account instead of your admin one.