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1 Jun 15, 2018 03:20    

Hello b2evolution community. Designer with no prior experience with b2evolution.
Someone else did the original installation and is no longer available for consultation.
After performing a VPS upgrade to PHP 5.6.30 and TLS1.2 (newer SmartVPS).
I tried doing the upgrade b2evolution from (I believe) b2evolution v.1.6 to b2evolution-6.10.1-stable-2018-05-30.
Blog installed here:
Getting error: Database schema is not up to date!
You have schema version <<9407>>, but we would need <<12890>>
When I do the Upgrade from a previous version of b2evolution:
I get:
MySQL error!

Table 'evo_skins__skin' already exists(Errno=1050)

Your query:

CREATE TABLE evo_skins__skin (

skin_ID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

skin_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,

skin_type enum('normal','feed') NOT NULL default 'normal',

skin_folder varchar(32) NOT NULL,

PRIMARY KEY skin_ID (skin_ID),

UNIQUE skin_folder( skin_folder ),

KEY skin_name( skin_name )

If anyone is willing, we need experienced b2evolution programmer who can solve this issue or do a reinstall.
I've done Wordpress and Joomla installs but am not qualified to deal with this issue any further.
Please let me know.

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