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I had the blog installed and several entries, then I was playing around with the _config.php (DUURRRRRRR) and now my blog's homepage says this: Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/advice/public_html/conf/_config.php… More »

Apr 17, 2006 01:58  
Ok, at first it's fine, I log in and everything is great. I click anything, say the blog link or the settings link, and it promts me to log in and then redirects me to the page. It does this everytime I click on a link to anything on my user admin!!!… More »

Apr 15, 2006 21:28  
I searched around and couldn't find anybody else who'd done this, so I guess I get to be the first one! (-: In the _main.php file for your chosen skin, look for the line that says: Code<?php $Blog->disp( 'tagline', 'htmlbody' ) ?> and… More »

Apr 13, 2006 17:13  
I'm always coming here with problems ... but they're usually not b2e's fault - just css. Well, here's my latest question: I'm trying to make it so my middle column has a minimum height. As is, on my main page, everything lays out… More »

Apr 12, 2006 23:55  

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