2 amoun Dec 12, 2018 20:04

Cheers amoun , worked a treat.
The other one I forgot was - PHP post_max_size128M
post_max_size should be larger than upload_max_filesize how do I fix that p;ease
Just looking around
For now see https://forums.b2evolution.net/topic-18271#c83628
128Mb is much higher than my setup which is shown below. I some how remember lowering mine as I have small sever space 3Gb and a 500K broadband :)
It's always better to start a new topic for different queries as it's hard to find solutions to a problem hidden inside a post with a different title.
See also post https://forums.b2evolution.net/panel-system-does-not-update-the-values
If you can't adjust the server you may be able to lower the [php_value upload_max_filesize]via the .htaccess
Apologies and thanks
You can download the whole version from https://b2evolution.net/downloads/6-10-4?download=8201 and extract the [sample.htaccess] file. Upload it and change the name to [.htaccess]
Alternatively you can download the attached [sample.htaccess] (v6.10.4) that I have renamed [htaccess.txt] and rename it again
Though more labourious I would recommend you download the online version for security reasons, unless you feel happy about checking out the content of the attached file.