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1 Nov 13, 2014 17:30    

I have read a lot of topics about others wishing to make "blogging platform" and I am looking to do the same. I want my users to be able to register and have a blog automatically created for them in which they can add and edit or delete posts. They also need to be able to only view blogs of their "friends".

I notice there was a plugin called AutoBlog and UserBlog but both seem to be deprecated. I am using 5.1.2-stable released on 09/10/14

Any way of successfully doing this as of now? I am not sure if the core of b2evo is able to make this happen without custom coding/plugins.


2 Nov 14, 2014 20:49

Hi @jmonroe,

The plugin UserBlog ( has been updated and it is now compatible with b2evolution version 5.1.2. As a third-party plugin that wasn't maintained for a long time, the update has been only to make it operative under the current stable version of b2evo, so, although we made some basic tests, there is no warranty that issues won't appear.

After being properly configured, it does exactly what you need regarding new users, however I'm afraid that this feature is not supported:

They also need to be able to only view blogs of their "friends"

I guess there is not such a "friends" concept in b2evolution, so what do you mean and how do you expect this should work?


3 Nov 14, 2014 22:21

They also need to be able to only view blogs of their "friends".

I guess, this is possible via the extended rights if you use groups for users. But this is to make manually althought I thought there were the ability to define the standard group a new user get. But I'm not sure about this.

4 Nov 14, 2014 23:08

Ednong, in Deutsch bitte. Ihr Englisch ist ein wenig schwer zu verstehen.

@ednong wrote earlier:

They also need to be able to only view blogs of their "friends".

I guess, this is possible via the extended rights if you use groups for users. But this is to make manually althought I thought there were the ability to define the standard group a new user get. But I'm not sure about this.

5 Nov 14, 2014 23:37

Oha - in german as wished.
Ich vermute mal, dass es die Möglichkeit bei den erweiterten Rechten für Gruppen gibt. Dort kann man neuen Nutzern wohl ein Level zuordnen, das sie bei Registrierung bekommen. Das müßte aber manuell geschehen. Sicher bin ich mir allerdings dabei nicht, auch nicht, ob das mit dem Plugin funktioniert.

Es kann sein, dass diese Möglichkeit auch bei den Blogeinstellungen besteht. Ich such mir da bei den Rechten halt öfter einen Wolf und bin der Meinung, das aber schon mal gesehen zu haben, habe es eben allerdings auf die Schnelle nicht gefunden.

6 Nov 14, 2014 23:46

Jetzt habe ich noch mal geschaut: Benutzer > Benutzereinstellungen > Registrierung > Gruppe für neue Nutzer. Und der entsprechenden Gruppe gibt man das Recht, alle dieser Gruppe zugeordneten User können sich gegenseitig lesen.

In english:
I have looked again. In the settings Users > User settings > Registration > Group for new users you will find the setting for the standard group of a new user. You can define the right to read the other blogs of users in this group in the group settings, if I'm right.

7 Nov 15, 2014 00:11

Vielen Dank für die Informationen. Ich werde bei den Einstellungen wieder schauen und sehen, was ich herausfinden kann.

8 Nov 15, 2014 11:23

Well, I can't follow your conversation in German.

As @ednong said here:

In english:
I have looked again. In the settings Users > User settings > Registration > Group for new users you will find the setting for the standard group of a new user. You can define the right to read the other blogs of users in this group in the group settings, if I'm right.

@jmonroe: if you mean for "friends" as users that belong to the same group, and also if you finally decide to use the UserBlog plugin, then actually you will have to set the "Group for new users" to "Userblog group", which will be created by the plugin on the installation, because it needs that group to work properly.

9 Nov 15, 2014 16:27

@mgsolipa wrote earlier:

Well, I can't follow your conversation in German.

As @ednong said here:

In english:
I have looked again. In the settings Users > User settings > Registration > Group for new users you will find the setting for the standard group of a new user. You can define the right to read the other blogs of users in this group in the group settings, if I'm right.

@jmonroe: if you mean for "friends" as users that belong to the same group, and also if you finally decide to use the UserBlog plugin, then actually you will have to set the "Group for new users" to "Userblog group", which will be created by the plugin on the installation, because it needs that group to work properly.

@mgsolipa I have installed the Userblog plugin again. I initially installed it when I came across it but it was version 2.2 and threw up a bunch of errors. Now that I have version 2.3 installed it seems to work now. In the permissions, I have attached a screenshot of the default setup by the plugin. I had a question regarding the permissions. What I am attempting to do is have people connect as friends and view each others blogs not specifically in the same group. I notice that View All blogs is checked by default in Userblog plugin. Shouldn't it default to Depending on each blogs permissions?

10 Nov 16, 2014 18:37

@mgsolipa wrote earlier:

Well, I can't follow your conversation in German.

It is my not so easy understandable english part in german only.

11 Nov 19, 2014 07:30

@jmonroe wrote earlier:

I notice that View All blogs is checked by default in Userblog plugin. Shouldn't it default to Depending on each blogs permissions?

Yes, you can change the settings of the group according your needs. However, all your new users must be assigned to that group, at least on the account creation, due to it's a requirement of the plugin.

So, there is not a solution to the "friends" thing yet. How do you think the mechanism in which a user becomes in "friend" of another user should work?


12 Mar 06, 2016 05:34

Does anyone know if this plugin will continue development? I am wanting to use it in 6.6.7

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