2 gerardp May 23, 2020 00:47

Hi @gerardp
Regarding your second image first. I have the same settings on my new 7.1.5 and all is fine.
Regarding the initial query.
I had similar problems and will try and find the posts, but just to keep the topic alive ~
I have [Always use HTTPS] checked and am sure other options did raise issues. The biggest problem I had with [Always] is that the lock icon on the browser would be crossed or red or something if I had a live link to an HTTP URL like an image on another site.
I would try using the default htaccess and add your bits again later
HI @gerardp again
I know much of what I have to say may not be usefull, but hopefully it will spur some productive thought
Here are a few of my old posts from when I switched to SSL
Since the "salt" message had something to do with password hashing, I suppose I should turn that off?
If you're going to use https, then yes. In that case you don't need extra hashing any more.
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I found this as well, but still scared to make changes.
Since the "salt" message had something to do with password hashing, I suppose I should turn that off?