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My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Hello, I would like to create my own blog, but before choosing B2EVO I would like to know a little more about its features : 1°/ is it possible to create a private area for a specific group of users and share content… More »

Jun 19, 2007 00:55  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x Hello, I'm new to b2evo, and I've come upon a problem trying to create permalinks. I click on the permalink button at the bottom of a blog post, and I'm taken to a page which looks like it should be a permalink… More »

Jun 20, 2007 03:54  
I've tried to get the hack working with my blog and when I did it would change the keywords of my main page to the one that I used for the single post. I want to be able to have a fixed set of keywords for my index but then have each category have a… More »

Jun 18, 2007 04:55  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered hi i have a web site where i would like users to be able to create their own blogs. ideally i would like users to be able to setup their blogs without any requirement for me to be involved. can b2evolution do this and… More »

Jun 17, 2007 23:02  
My b2evolution Version: 1.10 Hi Folks Please go easy this is my first post. I have installed the software 3 times today, when I get to the Login and password I click it and I get a box pop up asking if I want to open - save - cancel admin.php file. Can… More »

Jun 16, 2007 13:25  
My b2evolution Version: 0.9.x Like the idiot :roll: that I sometimes am, I somehow removed the date from my helsinki template from within either the main.php or the css under skins because they were the only ones I was messing with. I usually keep… More »

Jun 16, 2007 19:09  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I have tried several times to correct this issue and obviously do not know what page to be looking at. When I register my URL at feed burner in auto detects the RSS to feed. Then it returns an error that tells me I am… More »

Jun 16, 2007 12:09  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Hello... I am trying to replace my Next Page and Previous Page with images. I have looked all over the forums but I cannot find anything.... Is there anyone who has done this or knows how to do this please? I have… More »

Jul 30, 2007 06:26  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I am trying to add a technorati button to the sidebar. I have managed to add a vote for me button by putting it in my linkblog, but as I add links it will not stay on top obviously. I am sure there is another way to… More »

Jun 15, 2007 15:14  

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