2 amoun Feb 27, 2019 19:44

A simple improvement could be
a) to search for the string of words in the order they are given, even if not surrounded by quotes
b) search for any of the words that are separated by commas
[dog eats fish] will only find post that have the exact phrase,
[dog, eats, fish] will find any post that has any of the terms starting with the first
Lots of boolean would be useful but a start is a beginning.
You should try v7. I know there are search improvements. I don't remember details from the top of my head though.
Still weird. For example :: On default setup with demo content
Searching for
"own am"
brings up "markdown examples" 67%
own am
brings up "markdown examples 100%
brings up nothing
The issue is that "own am"
should be the same as ownam
as there is a clear intention of finding the phrase "own am"
which doesn't exist
By adding a post with the words "own' and "am" that are not adjacent I get same results as above but my post tops lists as in the first two cases.
It is odd that by surroundings the search terms as in the first example there is any result, though it can be read that as in this case it is only 67% it is not a full match and the actual term as given is not found.
Still it all seems a bit strange, though what is looked for is found :)
OK this is a combo reply to three posts.
Given the problem with 'poor docs' and
how to help with docs https://forums.b2evolution.net/how-can-someone-help-with-documentation
I added a few keywords to a comment on the issue of how to edit the sitewide header.
I then searched for site wide header
to no avail but lo an dbehold when searching for
"site wide header" the coment was the top result leading me to the post @flpanque directed to to.
1) the search works fine, although docs on that would do.
2) comments on the docs can be very usefull
3) all is good, c'est bien, das gut
This is one of your old posts: https://forums.b2evolution.net/search
One of my old gripes https://forums.b2evolution.net/using-the-dumb-search-widget
and https://forums.b2evolution.net/6-8-8-search-results-in-percentage-order
So as far as I know this still isn't implemented