Request a Plugin or Hack Have an idea for something that might be doable as a hack or plugin?? Ask in here!!! Remember, this is NOT a feature request area, or a place to ask HOW TO do something.
Plugin development assistance Need help with developing a plugin? This is the place to ask. (This is not a place to request plugins. This is a place for plugin developers only!)
Find the plugin you need help with, click to a support link. :) [url=]Acro-Link[/url] [url=]Advanced Search[/url]… More »
This forum is for the individual support threads for released plugins and hacks. If you have any problems regarding a plugin or hack then please use the [url=]search[/url] button to find the appropriate support… More »
hai, when i'm changing my gallery2plugin settings i'm getting this error Unable to find main.php in the specified embedded directory. can any one show me the way to solve my prob. More »
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Hi, Ive installed just installed this, and love it so far. Ive done a search, but am currently wading through 20 odd pages of posts, so i thought Id post to see if someone comes up with a quick answer. Im trying to… More »
2.4.1 I run a political blog that can get quite busy and am considering using a static html page for my index at least through the election. I have no problems creating the static page but would like to… More »
I may be made fun of for asking this! But I am a complete Newbie to Blogging... I installed the Linkroll XFN on my side bar, but I don't see it? And I can't figure out how to add blogs to my blog roll? More »
== UPDATE == 03-16-2009 Afwas wrote: In the meantime the connection between the FCKEditor Image Button and the B2evolution filemanager is stable, so I release 0.10.2 which can be found where 0.10.1 was:… More »
This plugin will add a chess playing javaScript in your post. Usage: install the plugin and enter [p4wn] in a post. See it in action in my [url=]testlab[/url].… More »
Under the basic anti-spam plug in is this: Check referers for URL: It says: Check refering pages, if they contain our URL. This may generate a lot of additional traffic! How will it do that? More »
Hello :) Can this download to determine who posts a comment work for 2.4.2 or is there another plug-in for that? The instructions given say... AM_Extra_Comments (plug-in for b2evo v1.8+) I found it here:… More »
For those of you interested, here are the links I use in the BAE social bookmarks plugin. First half is for French links, second half English ones. Code<!-- Paste from here... --><hr /><img… More »
How can I put a Title to an Image that has the Thumbnail + Lightbox 2 activated. I have the title tag in the code but all Images appear with UNTITLED as the title. Example… More »
I've been using this for a while w/ no trouble other than occasionally the Digg icon goes away but it usually comes back soon after. But this time, after a new post, the Digg icon is huge! and it was also missing a few other of my icons for some reason.… More »
Hello, I've tried to install the 'Search Hi-Lite Plugin' and I get several errors, like CodeNotice: Undefined property: ItemList2::$Obj in /var/www/nutribiota/plugins/am_search_plugin/_am_search.plugin.php on line 71 Warning:… More »
I've created a simple plugin that sums up a list of article titles. Very usefull if you display a lot of post on your homepage, and want to start with a simple overview. I added some features that allows to enable / disable the plugin via the plugin… More »
Hi, I'm currently working on a plugin that uses prototype. I add it via 'SkinBeginHtmlHead()'. But other "third-part" plugins do that as well.. Is there a way to detect if prototype is already called ? Thanks More »
This plugin adds a shiny new tab to your users profiles tab in admin and allows your users to have such delights as avatars, signatures, location. It also adds the ability for each user to enter their time offset from the server and set the date and… More »
Hello everyone, First, i'm looking about an advice on the choice of an editor for the 2.4 version of b2e... In fact, i visited some pages about fck, tinymce and yui editors and all seem sympathic, but don't success in making worked it! So on a second… More »
I have had no trouble at all with b2evo. But I can't use the Tag Clouds. When a tag is clicked, I get Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Anyone else experience… More »
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Hello Everybody, I am just a very beginner, so please explain to me, an idiot, - how I can use your phenomenal and great b2evolution blog to insert RSS news from other websites, let say, Opening my blog I… More »
Well, Not really a widget. If you want to add jamendo player to your blog it's very easy. 1/ add free html widget to your blog 2/ go to, select your album 3/ In Album information, choose Embed: Website / Blog (XHTML)… More »
We have installed the countdown plug-in, and I see how to play with the settings, as B2E admin. But I would like individual users, working in individual blogs, to be able to change settings for themselves, and I do not see how to do that. Is this an… More »
Want a simple editor for your Comments? It doesn't come much easier than this.... [URL=]WMD: The WYSIWYM Markdown Editor[/URL] Two simple links to JS and you have a toolbar and a… More »
I have installed the countdown plugin, but I do not know how to to set the date I want it to countdown to. Can someone please help me? Would anyone be willing to do a screen sharing session with me if necessary? I have GoToMeeting so it works very well.… More »
Hello everybody! I just created a hack to enable Piclens on my b2evo blog. If you don't know Piclens : This hack will parse all your tickets and create a RSS feed with each image found into them. This RSS feed is required by… More »
Hi, I'm a developper of an open source web analytics software ( I have developped a new feature for version 3.1 to get the page title from the current page based on an API. Actually, only Wordpress is integrated but I would like to… More »
I'm upgrading my blog to the latest b2evo version, and I'm wondering: is it possible to have the date the post was made, next to the list? I'm using Post List widget to show my recent posts on my homepage, and would really love to have the date showing… More »
Warning! This version is for older b2evolution v2 and v3 only. For more recent version of this plugin see [url=]new thread[/url]. [url=]Read in Russian /… More »
Hi everybody. I just installed the adsense plugin. I understand I should insert the tag where i want the ads to be displayed, which is fine. But what about the old posts? I can't edit them one by one... Is there a way to do some magic? Another way, I… More »
I hate when I get a "fatal error", the term is too tragic for something that usually has a solution... but, someone using a friend's blog ( is trying to make a comment and is getting this error: CodeFatal error:… More »
Hello, today i started with my blog. Created a Entry with about 40 pictures. Then decidet to "clean up" the space (folders,...) ... The Links to the images used in the Blog entry are invalid now. So i decided to start coding a plugin to… More »
Occasionally, i've gotten the "digg" link on my social bookmark to have these two letters "Su" instead of the digg image. This seems more or less random, sometimes when i hit refresh, it goes back to normal and not all posts have… More »