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My b2evolution Version: Not Entered The backoffice is the administrative control center for your b2evolution installation. The backoffice is split into various tabs along the top of the page. After a couple of hours digging in the posts and manual,....… More »

Sep 10, 2007 04:07  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Everyone has been so helpful so far, but I think this should be a pretty easy one for you guys.. We had a change of heart and wanted the title bar of the blog to now be black instead of gray. I was… More »

Jul 29, 2007 02:11  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Hi is possible to write posts in 2 languages ? I dont want 2 post: one in english and one in my language I want one post where people can choose language sorry for my english and thanks to all More »

Aug 14, 2007 16:25  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x Hi - I am brand-new to b2e and need a small amount of guidance on this topic. Please bear with me and if you can either provide some ideas or point me where to go, I will not post unnecessarily in the future, but I'm a… More »

Jul 28, 2007 10:34  
My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x I've written a JavaScript that I hope to provide as a tool to readers, but I want it to be a part of my blog. It does not refresh the page or anything, so it should be find but b2evo doesn't let me post it in. It's fairly… More »

Aug 05, 2007 09:00  

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