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dans le prog ''outil systeme sa me dit cesi '' allow_url_fopen'' est activé Lorsqu'elle est activée, cette fonction est connue pour faciliter l'exploitation frauduleuse de toute application PHP. b2evolution include des mesures additionnelles afin de ne… More »

Nov 06, 2008 17:41  
OK ces fait mais sa rien changé jais du refaire la base de donné et réinstallé le prog b2evo au complet et oui jais reparti a zéro je croyait que c'étais la bonne chose a faire, mai je suis dan la mème impasse ces le skins que l'on voie et pour les… More »

Nov 06, 2008 17:05  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered This seems daft, but is very frustrating. I have installed b2evolution and as a beginner I am really impressed with its capabilities. However, having created some users, I can't amend their details. I can get to the… More »

Nov 21, 2008 16:38  
My b2evolution Version: 2.x I'm having some serious issues with my blog (first one I've done). First of all, this is on a Windows server, and I have had some assistance from a very knowledgeable person here to get some of the issues that I noticed right… More »

Nov 12, 2008 21:31  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I'm trying to allow users to upload large files into a music folder (which is tied to the plugin "song attacher"). i'm guessing some of the files are going to be large (around 100mb) but when i try to change… More »

Nov 10, 2008 00:45  
Hi everyone! I saw the forum post here: and I was wondering if anyone would have that plugin floating around on their hard drives, and if they would be willing to pass it on. We… More »

Nov 04, 2008 22:00  
My b2evolution Version: 2.x How can I change the the following when I post something new; (I have the crystal skin installed btw) 03-11-08 01:43:27 pm, by admin , 4 words Categories: Streaming Videos In just date (in smaller font size like the time)… More »

Nov 03, 2008 16:35  

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