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Hi - New to b2evolution, so please bear with me if I'm asking something quite simple. My installation and several plug-ins were already auto-installed for me, but now I am wanting to put TinyMCE in there. Is this a simple procedure that someone would… More »

Aug 05, 2007 14:11  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I recently backed up my b2evolution files, and I'm wondering if there is a file that shows my previous posts? I have looked around, and haven't been able to find them. If someone could let me know where I can find my… More »

Aug 03, 2007 05:51  
My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x Hi, I've problems with ru_RU utf-8 locale. I can't find where is the problem. I see only '???? ????' messages with this locale. Other locales like de_DE works good Does anybody know how to fix it? Thanks for any suggestions More »

Aug 04, 2007 13:49  
Could some one please try explain me in very common terms, what's the use of trackbacks. How does it do me any good to activate this and do I have to publish all the (mostly) crap coming my way to make (whatever) use of the trackback? Thank you :)… More »

May 29, 2008 06:52  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered i would like to only allow bloggers access to posts on their blogs. currently, any user can access the "linkblog" and make changes even if the linkblog is not visible on their site. basically, i don't want… More »

Aug 03, 2007 00:03  

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