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Just curious is there any way to allow users who comment to subscribe to the comment so that they get an email if it is responded to. I have tried searching the forums and the last post to actually mention this is from 2003. Has anybody had any hack to… More »

Sep 13, 2005 23:13  
In blogger (and in another bloggers systems) I can 'put' music using the "embed" tag. But here how can I do the same, because when I try to post, give me an error , with message that I canot use the embed taG !!! Thanks for your help. More »

Aug 09, 2005 20:53  
Hello everyone, Today, I've got a big question for you: is b2evolution correctly working with PHP5 ? I'm currently using version with php4 on a shared hosting solution, and I'm proposed to change my hosting solution to go with one running PHP5.… More »

Sep 24, 2005 21:20  
Hello, When I installed B2 I put it under /blogs. However I now want to move it to the root path of simply '/' I have looked at a couple of solutions by searching the forum including changing the base url. This didn't work, it simply kept all the… More »

Apr 08, 2006 05:44  
I've been using b2evolution for about 6 months now, and I've never had any spam on my blog of any kind. The only "precaution" I have taken (other than updating my blacklist regularly) is to rename the comment_post.php file to something else, but looking… More »

Aug 09, 2005 13:04  
Hello all! I registered to have my blog be able to show up on the B2evo list of recently updated sites several weeks ago and I have yet to see it show up. I'm thinking somehow I mucked up my pingback setup because none of the sites I ping to list my… More »

Aug 08, 2005 22:28  
Hi, Hope anyone can help, I'm having various problems with the links on the right of my blog... Firstly, for some reason clicking on the archive links for 2005 refuses to actually bring up the relevant entries... I'm completely lost with that one. 2004… More »

Aug 08, 2005 16:44  
I'm trying to do short RSS comments so readers will come to my site to read the entire blog. But it always shows the entire blog in the comments. A previous post suggested editing /conf/_formatting.php and changing $rss_excerpt_length I've tried this… More »

Aug 09, 2005 13:01  
How do i keep this code from resizing the page... i tried with css with width... wont resize. any help? Code<?php // START OF INCLUDES FOR LAST COMMENTS, STATS, ARCHIVE DIRECTORY, PROFILE, FLIGHT LOGswitch( $disp ) {  case… More »

Aug 09, 2005 19:22  
How can I create a cron job to automatically downlaod the anti-spam database updates (the link that is in the back office under the tab 'anti-spam')? What is the command line that needs to be executed. Thanks, W.Hill More »

Aug 07, 2005 16:10  
Ok, I've looked for this all over the place, done my searches, and can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Every time I post, one of you refers me to another thread, and that would be fantastic. But, on to the point... I am either blind or I have no… More »

Aug 06, 2005 03:05  
Hi All, my blog has been down for over a month now because my webhost went out of business. Fortunately, I backed everything up the day before my site went down (BACKUP!!). So, I have a new webhost, all of my php files, and a large sql file. I know how… More »

Aug 06, 2005 01:23  

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