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I stumbled into b2evolution through my web host (Apollo hosting) last week, and am amazed at how quickly I was able to get a blog up and running. Many thanks to the developers of this excellent software! I’m still trying to figure out how to build a… More »

Mar 22, 2006 00:29  
I don't if this is related to the recent upgrade to Dawn: I no longer can log out. I don't get any error messages, the pages reloads as it should but I'm still logged in. What can be the reason? Thanks! :D More »

Sep 19, 2006 14:39  
I don't know what's the point with this, but it seems that spam spots attack the blogsearch. In my stats page I find lots of search queries on Dublin Hotels (around 50 during the last hour):… More »

Mar 20, 2006 21:51  
I have closed comments. I have removed recently viewed site ..which were leaving links back to porn and pills....but they are showing up in my awstats.....and the last thing I need is google black balling my blog or main site for this there some… More »

Mar 20, 2006 13:17  

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