I would like to stop my b2evo from logging hits. Some days, I get 6000 hits and it is heavy on the MySQL database. Could you please tell me how? Thanks. :?: More »
I have a Forum site and a gallery site installed. I want my blog site integrated with them, is that possible? Some info below: Forum site: phpBB2.0.17 Gallery site: Coppermine Photo Gallery1.4.1 (beta) Either of them has a separated database, the same… More »
Guess what I learned yesterday. The antispam table is somehow made by a blog!!! Yup - it's a blog where every keyword is a post and every reporter either creates a new post (first report) or edits an existing one. Is that cool or what? I guess "anyone… More »
I want to put a google ad someplace where it'll be noticed, but I'm running l33t-gray which doesn't have a sidebar (All the sidebar boxes are at the bottom), and at the top I have my phpAdsNew affiliate program banner rotation...so I'd just like a… More »
Hi I want to make a table in my pricelist-post. I tried to copied it in, but I get a lot of message that it was bad tags. Are there some way to do it on? Regarding Olem i Oslo More »
I was uploading different skin packages to see how they would affect my blog. After several attempts it all went well...But.... :) on one instance I did something that caused the links on my side bar go bad. The cosmetics are fine but the underlying… More »
I want to add Feed Direct underneath the adsense on the side bar. At the moment it's sitting on top of the menu. How do I move it over? http://www.winwithebay.com/blog More »
I installed b2evo last night, and I can't get my php page to load up. I am getting the following errors CodeWarning: main(/home/content/t/h/3/th3k01e/html/skins/_bloglist.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in… More »
Hello, I have been posting on my blog propeerly now, but my blog pages are like "page 27" and really high, when i have only kept 9 posts. Is there anyway I can sort this to make it more clean so page 1 is post 1, page2 is post2 etc. etc. More »
O.K. - I know that they are not random... but the Dots that appear on the first story of a group on my RSS feed... as well as before an image... as well as other places just seem downright irritating. I know it has something to do with the <ul> or… More »
Tinkering with plugins, I turned on the form param for the categories plugin and got 3 radio buttons to select my criteria, but no submit (or reset) buttons. Adding the buttons was no biggie, but they do nothing since it's not a form anymore. I tried to… More »
Hello, I have multi user blog system. Problem is that user cannot edit or delete his own posts, and admin cannot do that also on users blogs. I have made integration with my current members database. Here is the code that creates new blog user and new… More »
it is really confusing this weblog and the documentation is poor I don't get a idea from the usermanual what the general working of this program is ? I do see this more: free software with poor documentation : so this free software can be serious? :)… More »
hey I enjoy this code to show link to NEXT - PREVIOUS posts at the end of Each post. (I use diffrent template for single posts so ppl see link to next post at the end of each post .) Code<?php posts_nav_link();… More »
Hey everyone... I was wandering through the 'showcase your blog' area and noticed that some blogs work well at my screen size and some really don't. The thing is that I don't have a huge screen, just a 17inch and I have my resolution set to 800x600,… More »
I've tried changing my style sheet... defined a:link a:active a:hover and a:visited - the only one that changed is a:hover (I want them all to be font #999999)... This is driving me nuts... anyone who can figure this one out? www.jessweiss.com/blog - I… More »
Hi, It took me a long time to find out that my blog does not load properly with Firefox. It only works with IE. Here's the URL for it: nando.myacen.com/blog Does anyone know what do I have to change to make it look exactly the same in both browsers?… More »
Hi, I have mysql Version 3.2 on my server. I want to upgrade it to MYSQL 4.0. Can you please help me how can i upgrade my mysql database users to this new version? I do not know already existing mysql server users passwords so i can not create them in… More »
I'm currently using the Movable Type skin on my blog (mendthefence.com), and the section where the linkblog is supposed to be only shows the separate titles for the link entries, and no actual links. The linkblog shows up on any other skin that supports… More »
Is there a complete listing of the user levels available anywhere? The page at: http://b2evolution.net/man/2004/06/04/user_levels only shows a couple levels with brief info.. Is there any other listing that shows all levels (1-10) with the permissions… More »
I've just noticed after clicking the link to b2evo from one of my own sites that it's been blacklisted in the central DB... not sure when it made it into the list but I'm 100% sure I havn't personally spammed. I've been proactive killing all the spam on… More »
Hello all, I am new here and hope I can get an answer to my question. I have my blog iframed in my website and when clicking a link it opens within the Iframe. I want to have all links, when clicked on, open a different browser on "top" of the my… More »
I want to add the blog no. which is shown in the admin in front of each blog. my _main.php: Code<div class="bSmallHead"><?php locale_flag( $Item->locale, 'h10px' );echo ' ';$Item->issue_date();echo ' @… More »
It appears many suffer from spam. There is a need of a "ultimate" antispam plug-in or hack for [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url]. That plug-in would include: referrer filtering including:[*]a local and shared dynamic referrer blacklist of… More »
I have downloaded B2 to my server and I am totally lost. My past history has been with Dreamweaver and have no idea what I am doing. (I'm being honest) Can someone recommend a book or person who can assist me with this new adventure. Thanks More »
Tengo un programa de capacitacion sobre b2evolution, en caso de que por alguna razon falle, tendria graves problemas. Quiero respaldarlo incluyendo los pots, los comentarios, los usuarios con password, etc.javascript:emoticon(':?:') Gracias por esta… More »
Bonjour, Actuellement, lorsque l'utilisateur télécharge un fichier lors de la création/l'édition d'un article, le fichier est accessible directement par le serveur web quelque soit la visibilité de l'article (public, protégé...). J'aimerais faire en… More »
I was wondering if in phoenix you might be ableto sqeeze in an easier way to update the RSS news aggregators? Since right now you have to have the different aggregators must be listed in /conf/_stats.php If there isgoingto be a way to update any new… More »