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Just before I completely blew up my last install, I was able to grid my posts on the main page. One thing I liked is it did little youtube videos like a featured image. Now I can not get them to show up no matter what I do. Any Ideas on how to get the… More »

Nov 28, 2020 05:48  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I would like users of my software, when the start up the program to get a message that my software blog has a new message. To do this I need some way that my software can determine whether a new entry has been posted.… More »

Feb 04, 2009 11:53  
Hello, I have been using b2evo in the past for blogging ... starting around 2005 and have always loved it just for that. These days I have found a new customer who is running a store and he wants to move away from Magento to another platform. He doesn't… More »

Oct 27, 2020 03:18  
Downloaded v 7.2.2 - stable yesterday. Recommended for ALL users. Installed today using installer. First login as admin. Shows warning that this version should not be used in a production site. I am hoping this warning is an oversight and should have… More »

Oct 23, 2020 02:29  
As I understand it one can produce a collection known as a manual. A sort of combination of book and wiki. This collection comes with a number of document types such as different types of introduction. Thing is, I can find no explanation of the… More »

Oct 23, 2020 02:29  
Hello, I got a backup problem. To backup the files etc. obviously lasts too long and therefore the DB each times has gone away when the program comes to backup the db.(Error 2006) But I hesitate to address this to the hosters, because of an error… More »

Oct 16, 2020 13:00  
Hi, today I tried to upgrade my b2evo from 6.11.7 to the latest version (7.1.6-stable) and the result is an sql error: After the error I tried to continue with the upgrade manually adding the column shown in the sql but the upgrade generated another… More »

Sep 03, 2020 13:23  
Noticing the size of the mermaid plugin and given that I upgrade via a 540k connection at best I didn't upload it, with no apparent problems. However I have since found that it is mentioned in the [/plugins/tinymice.plugin.php] version 7.1.7 but was not… More »

Aug 25, 2020 15:27  

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