Request a Plugin or Hack Have an idea for something that might be doable as a hack or plugin?? Ask in here!!! Remember, this is NOT a feature request area, or a place to ask HOW TO do something.
Plugin development assistance Need help with developing a plugin? This is the place to ask. (This is not a place to request plugins. This is a place for plugin developers only!)
Find the plugin you need help with, click to a support link. :) [url=]Acro-Link[/url] [url=]Advanced Search[/url]… More »
This forum is for the individual support threads for released plugins and hacks. If you have any problems regarding a plugin or hack then please use the [url=]search[/url] button to find the appropriate support… More » "Song Lyrics", as if there is some other kind of lyrics out there :roll: Anyway this one takes the entire embeddable code from as an input and embeds the… More »
Hi! First of all, thanks to the authors of b2evolution blogtool. I have a problem with TinyMCE plugin. Some days it disappears. So, I reinstall it again and seems to be fine. But, next week disappears again. Doo you any reason to happen this? (Sorry for… More »
Hi all. I've been trying to decipher the differences between Gallery and Gallery2. Here's what I've come up with. Gallery - developed by balupton and refined over the years and independent from Gallery2 Gallery2 - a plugin for the Gallery2 found here… More »
There is no release as of yet, but anyone interested in it is more than welcome to email me about it at dracul01 [at] gmail [dot] com. It is loosely based on Twitterlution, I made the decision to make the settings global instead of user based. But I am… More »
I've seen the Print Page and PDF page plus the not so useful Larger or Smaller text options in soooo many pages that I can't believe b2evolution hasn't it (them). In an era of Global Warming, Food Crisis, Nuclear Threats, Communism comebacks, we don't… More »
in the back office there is a list of all the users, both in a box called assignees and authors. I never will see a use for that so i would like to know how to get rid of it. This is because i'm having users sign up for my blog and become members but… More »
Hi all: I have a, hopefully, quick question. Being a novice at this, can someone give me the code for centering the contents of my widget? For example, I have google ads inserted in my sidebar html widget but I'd like it to at least be centered in the… More »
i have read Gallery2 Plugin Installation,and installed it step by step,but it showed me the wrong text Could not verify your gallery gallery installation. Please make sure this is the path to your gallery2 installation directory help me pls,who knows?… More »
In the instructions at it talks about an attached file... I'm sure I am missing it and feel silly... but where the @#$% is the attached file in the instructions "Download the attached zip file.… More »
I am using the Quick Tag CODE option as below. Please ignore the idiot code I am working on. If you go to: you will see the problem. The code tag, inserted by quick tags,… More »
I have been using the Weather plugin with my GlossyBlue skin for a few weeks with no problems. This morning I checked my blog and I see this in the right column: Weather Notice: Undefined index: cc in… More »
I was quite gutted that balupton's excellent show / hide posts plugin doesn't work with the most recent versions of b2evolution so I was thinking of ways to do something similar when I came up with this. It could be used as a spoiler protection too, but… More »
This plugin filters the comments for bad words and foul language. Ut replaces a term with funny characters like @#%@ or Asterixes like ****. A comprehensive list of words is added, so if you want to keep your English up to date, you can learn a lot from… More »
This plugin is able to change the size of the textarea where you can write/edit a post. To use the plugin install it first and go to your profile page in Dashboard -> Users -> CLICK YOUR USERNAME. There you will find a setting like this:… More »
I am looking for some original ideas to make a plugin or widget out. So please no Facebook link thing, but something that looks nice and probably is useful in some way. But the keywords are fun and originality. Got ideas? More »
Hello: I have 2 questions.... I've come across a SLEW of text editors that I'd like to add as a plug-in. I'd be more than happy to share what I've found. Can ANY text editor be used or do they have to be configured for b2 software? On the same line as a… More »
Code### Python script to convert simplephpblog to movabletype export format.# I wrote this for importing my simplephpblog into b2evolution, which has a movabletype# importer, so it has not actually been tested with movabletype.## Directions:# 1)… More »
By example:; . Maybe you use b2evolution to serve several domains, and want specialized settings for each blog. You should use different analytics codes for different domains. Or, another… More » shares a hack I just did because I finally needed it. What it does is let you use the word "All" instead of a comma separated list of blog numbers. In this case… More »
Who can help please? I want to attach a new Gallery to a Category. the button "craete a new gallery is active, but as I press "Perform"-nothing happens! I tryed for hours please help. Thank you! Michael More »
I have a bilingual blog; Spanish and English. But in both cases the CommentTags plugin buttons are in English. How can it be changed so that it shows in the right language according to the blog's settings? Great Plugin by the way! More »
How do I disable the Smilies, Social Bookmarks plugin, and any other plugin for that matter from getting included in the Feeds of b2evo? The smilies are getting parsed as smilie-icons and the social bookmarks plugin inserted after the posts are also… More »
Hi! This is my first post on this forum, hope it helps! I'm going to use b2evo on a project, and I needed blog automatic creation when an user registers. I knew about [url=]autoblog plugin[/url] by… More »
I'm fairly new to B2EVO and to blogging CMS systems in general so bear in mind that I may not have a clue about things that might be obvious. :-/ I have the Smilies plugin installed in the backoffice and it is checked in the Text Renderers section when… More »
I've just visited, EdB's blog and found he has two new Plugins: Widget Manager Plugin and ClustrMaps Plugin. I've also seen at least two more plugins from the AM team. Yet none of the above plugins exist in the Plugins Directory.… More »
This is an old hack that uses the mktree javascript to generate a collapsable Catagories list. This is an image "that says more than a thousand words": You find the description in the… More » Might work in other 2.* releases, but is only tested in 241 so if you run it on something other version please report your success or issues if any, either here or on my blog post.… More »