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my first attempt to convert a wordpress theme to b2evo. i didnt include the ajax, plugins tho, only the design. [url=]Link[/url] More »

Jun 10, 2007 07:29  
My b2evolution Version: 1.10.2 Hey I want to add a certain site to ping since it's like 2 options of pinging in the blog. I have a adress but I'm not to keen on making workable plugins so I can add it to a autoping. Can someone help me with a… More »

Jun 09, 2007 03:03  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.3 Hello Folks, I've just moved my entire site to a new web host, managed to transfer the database and everything seemed to be working fine. However, as soon as I press [Save] in the edit post menu, the response is to take me… More »

Jul 19, 2007 11:33  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I run several blogs. One for my business, one for a production company, one at myspace, etc. I sometimes repost entries from these other blogs on my own personal b2evolution blog. Is there a way to automate this? So I… More »

Jun 09, 2007 09:06  

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