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My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I followed all of the upgrading instructions, and when I was finally finished uploading I ran the install script. After that, I went to my site and got this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a… More »

May 30, 2008 05:35  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I am getting this warning when writing posts in the admin. Any suggestions? Notice: Undefined property: shortdesc in /home/homedesi/public_html/blog/inc/MODEL/dataobjects/_dataobject.class.php on line 461 Notice:… More »

Jun 02, 2008 15:14  
hello. house please i need someone to guide me on how to insert google adsense ads on the side bar of my blog. i am using version 1.10.2 and my log url is please i need help about this fast. awaiting reply from anybody. More »

May 27, 2008 18:43  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered Where can i find the file : message_send.php ? So far i only find _msgform.disp.php. That is the form for sending an email. I want to change that but i couldn't find how to do that. More »

May 30, 2008 22:04  
My b2evolution Version: 2.x I would like to reproduce the blog memberlist you see when changing blog user permissions in the admin panel. I would like this list of usernames to appear on one of my sidebars. anyone know of a widget or a function call… More »

May 28, 2008 02:00  

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