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General Support

Hello, it would be nice to have a better solution for embedded videos like from Youtube. I think, it would be good to change the URL from eg. to for… More »

Aug 14, 2020 01:58  
Having upgraded b2evolution I am now getting the following text at the top of the latest post: "Strict Standards: Declaration of smilies_plugin::GetDefaultSettings() should be compatible with Plugin::GetDefaultSettings(&$params) in… More »

Aug 10, 2020 18:11  
Hello I have a site that I want to converting from wordpress to b2evolution But before converting, will my site links remain the same? I have a plugin in WordPress that puts a watermark on the images to save the rights of my site. Does this exist? This… More »

Aug 07, 2020 21:36  
Hi, today I tried to upgrade my b2evo from 6.11.7 to the latest version (7.1.6-stable) and the result is an sql error: After the error I tried to continue with the upgrade manually adding the column shown in the sql but the upgrade generated another… More »

Aug 01, 2020 16:42  
Hi, I had a running installation, but it was installed several years(?) ago and neglected and ignored. :( I was trying to bring it back to life, but found out it no longer works. I get the error below. I get the same error when I try to run… More »

Jun 22, 2020 09:13  
Hi. An anomalie in trying to edit a post. This is a post I have not used for a year and wanted to update it but had the error shown in the image. I then cleared all the caches, checked the database and cleared the version history via maintenance options… More »

Jun 18, 2020 13:57  
I am using Bootstrap main skin and Bootstrap Blocks Blog skin. I figured out how to post the Category, but not a Published date and time without sticking it in the title. Is there a way to do this? Remember, my knowledge is limited! More »

Jun 01, 2020 04:15  

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