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I don't know if I am doing something wrong or not, but I have a test setup going with a couple users and it seems that even if I take off the edit properties for a blog, a user with rank of 1 can edit any posts. As an admin, ive written a couple things,… More »

Apr 11, 2006 15:43  
Anybody else thinking about integrating some AJAX functionality into b2? I've been working with the Prototype and Rico libraries for the past couple of months at work and have been thinking of ways to use it with b2. I think Ajax enabled comments might… More »

May 27, 2006 05:41  
Hi ! (This topic is a double of [url=][/url] as I think, I didn't post in the good forum) I just passed my blog to 1.6 alpha and noticed something very… More »

Apr 10, 2006 09:30  
I have just tried for the first time to set up this software on my hosted account. The intsall seemed run smooth but when I clicked on the next step to access the admin section I receved the following error: Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required… More »

Jun 06, 2006 16:27  
Hello! I am using 1.6-Alfa, and i can not get back dating to work. I understand it is supposed to be a checkbox under "advanced". But there isnt. THe logged in user does have administrative permissions to that blog. What might i be missing? More »

Apr 09, 2006 19:13  
In the space of a few hours, I just got notified of trackbacks for Yahoo, Google, and MSN (about ten in all) all to random posts including some that are weeks old, all with different.crazy IP adresses, all using the same blurb: <strong>this is… More »

Apr 11, 2006 16:02  
I will sometimes click on some of the “Last Referring searches” in the stats page (running 9.0.12) to see how my site was reported by the search engines. Doing this, I sometimes get weird results when I try to follow the search engine link back to my… More »

Apr 09, 2006 17:37  
I downloaded this from the creator's website. Unless there is something wrong with every skin that can be used on 9.0.12 of the b2evolution blogs, I'm unable to see a download link for any of them. Anyways ... I unzipped the download and transferred the… More »

Apr 08, 2006 23:17  
First off, my website is hosted by I don't know if there are any issues with this host in regards to B2Evolution, but I thought I'd get it out there just in case, so someone would tell me. Anyway, I uploaded all the appropriate files to my… More »

Apr 08, 2006 17:52  
b2 seems to like to order things with their blog number, however I have an "all blogs" blog that at the top lists all the other blogs and I'd like it to be alphabetically. Currently, they are pretty much in their number format and therefor,… More »

Apr 07, 2006 16:19  

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