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After editing and copying over the files for b2evo I now get a Interneal Server Error 500 when I try and do the database install. This makes me thing that maybe something is not set to the correct permision? I'm not really sure what I would have done… More »

Jul 06, 2004 17:35  
Howdy all, Here's a unique use of b2evolution, or at least I think it's unique. I have a news website for my local city in which I post links and excerpts of stories concerning our area. I had developed a custom database back-end for it but stopped… More »

Oct 11, 2003 21:20  
I'm new to b2evolution. Install went fine (b2evolution 0.8.6, apache 2.0.47, php 4.3.1, FreeBSD). I have my correct username and password, and can login successfully.. but when I try and go anywhere, (stats, cats, blogs, Options, Templates, users.. ) I… More »

Dec 29, 2004 23:00  
I'm switching to a new webhost (with one blog) and a new host and a new domain (with another blog). I would like to simultaneously upgrade to the newest edition of b2e, and I'm not very concerned with keeping my current templates, setup, etc. Basically,… More »

Oct 04, 2005 19:52  

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