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Hi I have uploaded the files to the plugin folder. installed it but it wont create a blog. It will allow people to register and shows their blog name. ie if cg102 register it would say cg102. and allow me to click to their blog expect when i do, it take… More »

May 22, 2007 16:31  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x This has happened a couple of times now, it's beginning to bug me: I post a comment on my own blog, whilst signed in as myself (usually as a response to somebody else's comment), but after clicking "Send comment"… More »

May 22, 2007 15:37  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.2 I've been using b2evolution for about a month and love it, my question is regarding asynchronous email notification. I often write 2 or 3 articles at a time and post them with a delay of up to a week, my understanding of… More »

May 22, 2007 14:48  
i dont have any ideas on how blogging works.. could you tell me exactly how these things works and what can an admin control panel do? what how do i get started and what is the cost for it and that do i get any additional fees after i get started with… More »

May 22, 2007 16:34  
Just curious, and to help me decide... What do you think is the best forum choice for a blogsite? Or what is your criteria or factors you (will) consider? Got a list? Why choose those? --- I am choosing between SMF and Vanilla. Vanilla seems to be the… More »

Jun 07, 2008 00:09  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x My site is loading for some and not others including myself. Error log shows this as the latest. b2evolution error: No info specified in debug_die() in /home/phatchop/public_html/upcomingnudescenes/inc/ at… More »

May 24, 2007 20:43  
My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x Hi, i currently use wpmu (word press multi user) on my site, but i am completely unhappy with the amount of spam i get, esp as most of it is for adult services and i run a christian site. So what i am after is another… More »

Aug 24, 2007 14:23  
My b2evolution Version: Not Entered I should probably know this, but how come when I click on the 'write' tab my 1.9.3 installation always assumes I want to post something in blog #2? My default blog is #1 and that's where I mostly post, so why does it… More »

May 19, 2007 14:30  

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