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So I decided to test the messages Function and when I go to read the message, I get this. Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /plugins/_inlines.plugin.php on line 168 The bottom I get this Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in… More »

Dec 04, 2018 01:08  
Hi Not version specific as it's happen for as long as I can remember. Using Simple Zen skin The problem is that when I click on a number in the paginated list for comments I get posts page with the comment added but I have to scroll to get to the… More »

Jan 09, 2018 19:28  
OK last question as I have most of this figured out. The learning curve isn't to bad :-) I noticed at the end of every post that there are 2 (TWO) comment blocks to add comments in, this is a little over redundant. How can I shut one of them off? More »

Nov 27, 2018 00:31  
So I have a question about the "toggle" graphic UI used in sections like the "Widget" tag of a collection, and the "Plugins" tab of a site. From what I can tell, it's backwards and inconsistent. Example: I first went to the… More »

Nov 26, 2018 22:33  
OK, I got all the ins and outs. I found all the backend stuff I needed to change, Made collections, populated them, etc. So I kicked up my production site with a fresh install and every thing was going smoothly until I edited my User Profile. When I… More »

Nov 26, 2018 17:48  
I receive an error when I go to install new skins. See attached screen shot. I also noticed the the pureforums_skin folder is empty when the 6.10.4 archive is extracted. Am I missing something and how to fix this. I am unable to install new skins. More »

Nov 24, 2018 22:17  
OK last question as I have most of this figured out. The learning curve isn't to bad :-) I noticed at the end of every post that there are 2 (TWO) comment blocks to add comments in, this is a little over redundant. How can I shut one of them off? More »

Nov 26, 2018 02:23  
after install I am told the DB schema is out of date and i should run the installer when I do it fails with an internal server error checking my logs it says [Thu Nov 22 15:14:24.169372 2018] [:error] [pid 9129:tid 47882139264768] [client… More »

Nov 23, 2018 23:51  
So I am moving to B2Evolution as I have learned the Blog I am using is going to completely brick up my site on the next update. Matter of fact, they do it with every update. Few things I don't like but I am old, cranky, and just a Jerk. So I have been… More »

Nov 23, 2018 23:46  

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