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Has the internet programming gone mad or pissing people off constantly ? "THIS" 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! Proudly powered by LiteSpeed Web Server Please be advised that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. is not a… More »

Jan 28, 2015 08:02  
Is there a way to use polls for anonymous users, too? I know, that it is difficult to take care of a single vote by user. But in alignement with IP adresses a misuse could be reduced. Public polls are marketing means, too ;-) Regards, Will More »

Apr 08, 2019 16:47  
Hi, I’m a new user and I ran into a problem. I installed b2svolution without the sample pages. I created a home/front page and everything looks good. I then noticed that the “This Site” button on the navigation bar also points to the home page… More »

Apr 01, 2019 00:30  
Hello there! After a lot of years using my B2evo it was time fof an UPDATE for ! i have acces to the backend! The front was destroyed by my anterior hosting trying to build Permanent Redirections! Who can help me? Hear propoisals… More »

Mar 31, 2019 13:23  
Been using B2Evolution for a number of years - gone through a number of updates - and today, for the first time in a while I added a new collection and was going through aligning the settings with my other collections. When I came to edit the widgets I… More »

Mar 01, 2018 08:24  
Hello, I am using B2E version 6.10.2-stable released on 20.06.2018 on PHP version 5.6 but now my service provider tell us to need all go to PHP 7. X I try all versions of 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and I get a smallest number of errors on 7.2Can you please tell me… More »

Feb 28, 2019 18:18  
Hello, I tried to search several terms, like: Theresa "Carl Schmitt" But the results refer to a search without having used quotation marks. It seems that no operator (eg Boolean) works for search. This way I get an endless list of resutls,… More »

Feb 28, 2019 10:20  
Lack of documentation and scattered, outdated or incomplete documentation has gotten the best of me as well as clicking man page links in the back office and getting 404. That and having a query answered with a query is ..... The number of bugs, typos… More »

Feb 19, 2019 15:51  
Is it possible.??? I have two new installs a 6.10.6 and 7.0.0 on a new host and can't change any detail on the preset admin account. I can change profile picture and I can add a new user with admin status and can edit that. It's just the default one… More »

Feb 18, 2019 02:36  

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